Socio-cultural position of women in Nepal and Korea: A comparative approach

  • Published : 2016.12.31


In this study, a part of the social and the economic condition of Nepali women is introduced with a short comparison to the socio-cultural position of the women of Korea. A relative definition of the condition of the past and now: this also briefly introduces the ideas of some of the Nepali women that we have collected through the questionnaire. A comparative literature reviews about the position of women in the past as well as the review of the position of women in present is made. Various articles are used for this as the method of analysis. A quantitative analysis of the status of women (Nepal) taking 24 households through the questionnaire method was done. The answers given by the women are the base for the article. However, the answers to the questionnaire are used to compare the past and the present. Analysis of the received data and their explanation through the tables and graph are done. The charts and tables are followed by a detailed explanation. Conclusively the briefing of the condition of women in both the countries, the changes that are brought or not brought by development; in their life's status and position in society, is mentioned.



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