What went wrong?: The case of the non-selected alternate members of the Central Committee from 1992 to 2007

  • Payette, Alex (SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Montreal)
  • Published : 2016.12.31


Alternate members of the Chinese Communist Central Committee are often overlooked regarding elite formation or even when assessing Chinese elites in general. This article focuses on the case of alternate members of the Central Committee from 1992 to 2007 in order to understand why some individuals will eventually be promoted and why some will never be. Through extensive quantitative testing, I argue that these non-promoted individuals differ from their counterparts in many ways, most of which can possibly be traced back to the type of formation they received early on. As such, the article concludes that Party School attendance and the age factor, through threshold analysis, are a significant factor helping us understand the difference between promoted and non-promoted houbu.



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  1. Profiling Future Chinese Politburo Members: Looking at Trends and Characteristics of Newly Promoted Central Committee Members (1992-2012) vol.34, pp.1, 2016,