일부 미취학 아동의 간식습관 및 구강건강실천행위와 구강건강상태와의 관련성

Relationships among snack habits, oral health practice, and oral health status in preschool children

  • 이은경 (전북과학대학교 치위생과)
  • 투고 : 2016.09.05
  • 심사 : 2016.12.01
  • 발행 : 2016.12.30


Objectives: The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationships among snack habits, oral health practice, and oral health status in preschool children. Methods: The subjects were 209 preschool children and their mothers in Jeonbuk from March 24 to May 30, 2014. The study instruments comprised snack habits, oral health practice, and oral health status. Data were analyzed for independent t-test, one way ANOVA and hierarchical multiple regression using SPSS Win 21.0 version. Results: Higher dft index was shown in the older age (p=0.033), lower mother's education (p<0.001), lower mother's daily toothbrushing (p<0.001), check-up after tooth-brushing (p<0.001), tooth-brushing practice before sleeping (p<0.001), tooth-brushing practice after snack (p<0.001), regular dental check-up (p<0.001), fluoride and sealant for prevention caries (p<0.001), limitation of sugar snack intake (p<0.007), periodic replacement toothbrush (p=0.022). The cause of higher dft index included soda (p<0.001), yogurt (p<0.001), snack (p=0.002), bread and cake (p=0.002) and caramel and candy (p<0.001). Fruit (p<0.001), vegetable (p<0.001) and milk (p=0.004) decreased dft index. Factors affecting oral health status were tooth-brushing practice before sleeping, tooth-brushing practice after snack, regular dental check-up, fluoride and sealant for prevention caries, and intake of soda, yogurt, caramel, candy, and fruit. The explanation power of the final model was 67.6%. Conclusions: It is necessary to develop the oral health education program for the preschool children and mothers to enhance the best oral health condition.



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피인용 문헌

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