패션기업의 노력이 CSR 사회관계성과 친사회적 소비행동에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Fashion Company's CSR Efforts on the Social Relationship and Pro-Social Consumption Behavior

  • 나윤규 (중앙대학교 예술문화원)
  • Na, Younkue (Dept. of Art & Culture Research Institute Chung-Ang University)
  • 투고 : 2015.10.20
  • 심사 : 2016.02.15
  • 발행 : 2016.02.28


This research is a construct to understand CSR and pro-social consumption behavior of fashion consumers which classifies CSR efforts of fashion company and conducts positive analysis of the relationship between such characteristics and social relationship behaviors(sharing of values, consciousness of kind, consciousness of future expectation) and pro-social consumption behavior. For this path analysis was conducted utilizing a sample of 430 consumers who have experience of CSR efforts of fashion brands. The result is as follows. First, as a result of the path relationship among CSR efforts & sharing of values of fashion brands, consciousness of kind and consciousness of future expectation, economic efforts, relational efforts and cyclical efforts meaningfully affected sharing of values, whereas creative efforts did not. Also, relational and creative efforts meaningfully affected consciousness of kind, whereas economic and cyclical efforts did not. Furthermore, economic, relational and cyclical efforts meaningfully affected consciousness of future expectation, when creative efforts failed. Second, as a result of the analysis of path relationship among sharing of values, consciousness of kind, consciousness of future expectation and pro-social consumption behavior of social relationships, sharing of values had a meaningful impact on consciousness of kind, consciousness of future expectation and pro-social consumption behavior. And finally consciousness of kind and future expectation showed meaningful influence on pro-social consumption behavior.



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