Hierarchical Routing Algorithm for Improving Survivability of WSAN

  • Received : 2015.11.25
  • Accepted : 2016.01.30
  • Published : 2016.02.29


This paper proposes a hierarchical routing algorithm for enhancing survivability of sensor nodes on WSAN. Proposed algorithm has two important parts. The first is a clustering algorithm that uses distance between sensor and actor, and remaining energy of sensor nodes for selecting cluster head. It will induce uniform energy consumption, and this has a beneficial effect on network lifetime. The second is an enhanced routing algorithm that uses the shortest path tree. The energy efficient routing is very important in WSAN which has energy limitation. As a result, proposed algorithm extends network and nodes lifetime through consuming energy efficiently. Simulation results show that the proposed clustering algorithm outperforms conventional routing algorithms such as VDSPT in terms of node and network life time, delay, fairness, and data transmission ratio to BS.



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