국내 산업공학 연구 주제 2001~2015

Research Topics in Industrial Engineering 2001~2015

  • 정보권 (서울과학기술대학교 IT정책전문대학원) ;
  • 이학연 (서울과학기술대학교 글로벌융합산업공학과)
  • Jeong, Bokwon (The Graduate School of Public Policy and Information Technology, Seoul National University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Lee, Hakyeon (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology)
  • 투고 : 2016.09.06
  • 심사 : 2016.11.28
  • 발행 : 2016.12.15


Over the last four decades, industrial engineering (IE) research in Korea has continued to evolve and expand to respond to social needs. This paper aims to identify research topics in IE research and explore their dynamic changes over time. The topic modeling approach, which automatically discovers topics that pervade a large and unstructured collection of documents, is adopted to identify research topics in domestic IE research. 1,242 articles published from 2001 to 2015 in two IE journals issued by the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers were collected and their English abstracts were analyzed. Applying the Latent Dirichlet Allocation model led us to uncover 50 topics of domestic IE research. The top 10 most popular topics are revealed, and topic trends are explored by examining the dynamic changes over time. The four topics, technology management, financial engineering, data mining (supervised learning), efficiency analysis, are selected as hot topics while several traditional topics related with manufacturing are revealed as cold topics. The findings are expected to provide fruitful implications for IE researchers.



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  5. Choi, B. K., Han, K. H., Jun, C. S., Lee, C. S., and Park, S. C. (2014), Review and Perspectives on the Research and Industrial Applications of Manufacturing Systems Engineering in Korea for 40 Years, Journal of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 40(6), 555-567.
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  8. Cho, S. and Kim, S. (2012), Finding meaningful pattern of key words in IIE transactions using text mining, Journal of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 38(1), 67-73.
  9. Chung, M. K., Yun, M. Y., Park, J. H., Lee, I-S., and Lim, J-H. (2014), 40 Years of Ergonomics in Korea : Accomplishments, Challenges and 40 More Years Ahead, Journal of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 40(6), 568-579.
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  15. Jeong, B. K. and Lee, H. Y. (2016), Industrial Engineering as a Multidisciplinary Field : Exploring the Structure of Academic Convergence in Industrial Engineering by Journal Citation Network Analysis, Journal of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 42(3), 182-197.
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  17. Kim, G. H. and Park, C. L. (2015), Analysis of English abstracts in Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society using topic models and social network analysis, Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society, 26(1), 151-159.
  18. Kim, H. B. (2016), Text Mining for Korean Using Topic Models Based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation Technique, Graduate School of Dongguk University, Seoul, 5-7.
  19. Kim, J. and Jeong, C. (2012), Analysis of trend in construction using text mining method, Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture․Interior Association, 12(2), 53-60.
  20. Kim, Y. K. and Kim, J. Y. (2014), OR/MS in Korea : The Review and Outlook, Journal of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 40(6), 592-608.
  21. Lee, J. Y., Moon, J. Y., and Kim, H. J. (2007), Examining the Intellectual Structure of Records Management and Archival Science in Korea with Text Mining, Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 41(1), 345-372.
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  23. Park, J. H. and Song, M. (2013), A Study on the Research Trends in Library and Information Science in Korea using Topic Modeling, Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 30(1), 7-32.
  24. Park, J. W., Shin, H. S., Kim, K-D., Jeong, H-I., and Lee, J. C. (2014), Production Planning and Control in Korea : with Emphasis on the Role of Industrial Engineers, Journal of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 40(6), 580-591.
  25. Park, Y. T. (2015), Industrial Engineering-systems approach, Saeng Neung Press, Paju-si, Korea.
  26. Ramos-Rodriguez, A. R. and Ruiz-Navarro, J. (2004), Changes in the intellectual structure of strategic management research : A bibliometric study of the Strategic Management Journal, 1980-2000, Strategic Management Journal, 25(10), 981-1004.
  27. Shin, K. S., Choi, H. R., and Lee, H. C. (2015), Topic Model Analysis of Research Trend on Renewable Energy, Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, 16(9), 6411-6418.
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