On-farm Tree Planting and Management Guidelines for Medium to High Potential Areas of Kenya

  • Makee, Luvanda A. (Kenya Forestry Research Institute, Dryland Eco Region Research Programme)
  • 투고 : 2016.02.27
  • 심사 : 2016.06.11
  • 발행 : 2016.11.30


This review paper presents guidelines which stakeholders use in addressing on-farm tree planting configuration, establishment, tending, silvi- cultural management, management of pests and diseases, challenges and opportunities as practiced in the medium to high potential areas of Kenya. The tree planting configurations discussed includes blocks planting (woodlot), boundary, compound planting, home/fruit gardens, trees intercropped or mixed with pasture, trees on riverbanks and roadside. Participatory monitoring and evaluation techniques have been highlighted. The main challenges facing tree planting activities include culture and attitude of local people, land and tree tenure, inadequate technical support, lack of recognition and integration of technical information and indigenous knowledge, capital and labour shortages, lack of appropriate incentives measures, damage by domestic and wild animals, conflict over trees on the boundary and policy and legal issues. This guideline targets forest managers, extension agents, students and other practitioners in policy and day to day decision making processes in Kenya.



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