Multiple Scale Processes in Microstructural Evolution: Case Study of Self-Reinforced β-Si3N4

  • Becher, Paul F. (Corporate Fellow Emeritus, Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
  • Received : 2016.08.09
  • Accepted : 2016.10.17
  • Published : 2016.11.30


Microstructural design of ceramics has generally focused on information gathered at the micro- and macro-scales and related this to how specific properties could be improved. Ceramic processing serves as the key to optimizes the final microstructure. However, the advent of nano-scale microstructures and highly advanced characterization tools are forcing us to develop new knowledge of what is occurring not just at the micro-scale but also at the atomic level. Thus we are now beginning to be able to address how microstructure is influenced by events at the atomic scale using atomic scale images and data. Theoreticians have joined us in interpreting the mechanisms involved in the "microstructural" evolution at multiple scales and how this can be used to enhance specific properties of ceramics. The focus here is on delving into the various layers the "microstructure" in order understand how atomic-scale events influence the structure and properties of ceramics.



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