Visualizations of Relational Capital for Shared Vision

  • Russell, Martha G. (Stanford University) ;
  • Still, Kaisa (VTT Technical Research Centre) ;
  • Huhtamaki, Jukka (Tampere University of Technology) ;
  • Rubens, Neil (Transport and Telecommunication Institute)
  • Received : 2016.03.11
  • Accepted : 2016.05.09
  • Published : 2016.06.01


In today's digital non-linear global business environment, innovation initiatives are influenced by inter-organizational, political, economic, environmental, technological systems, as well as by decisions made individually by key actors in these systems. Network-based structures emerge from social linkages and collaborations among various actors, creating innovation ecosystems, complex adaptive systems in which entities co-create value. A shared vision of value co-creation allows people operating individually to arrive together at the same future. Yet, relationships are difficult to see, continually changing and challenging to manage. The Innovation Ecosystem Transformation Framework construct includes three core components to make innovation relationships visible and articulate networks of relational capital for the wellbeing, sustainability and business success of innovation ecosystems: data-driven visualizations, storytelling and shared vision. Access to data facilitates building evidence-based visualizations using relational data. This has dramatically altered the way leaders can use data-driven analysis to develop insights and provide ongoing feedback needed to orchestrate relational capital and build shared vision for high quality decisions about innovation. Enabled by a shared vision, relational capital can guide decisions that catalyze, support and sustain an ecosystemic milieu conducive to innovation for business growth.



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