CRM using short range location based technology

  • Yoo, Jihyun (Department of Internet Communication Jangan University)
  • Received : 2016.11.22
  • Accepted : 2016.12.15
  • Published : 2016.12.31


In this paper, we propose the CRM service model for analyzing and managing location based data collected by Wi-Fi and BLE. As mobile devices became personalized, enterprises became interested in individual location, and location based mobile marketing started to stand on spotlight. Location based proximity marketing is developing along with contactless data transmission technology, and payment system that uses NFC, Beacon that utilizes BLE, as well as advertisement via Wi-Fi are being serviced. We suggest the model that mobile devices can be detected and identified by MAC address with the need of being connected to Wi-FI or Bluetooth interface. MAC addresses are not associated with any specific user account or mobile phone number. The idea is to be able to measure the amount of people which are present in a certain point at a specific time, allowing the study of the evolution of data analysis and offers effective information for decision-makings.



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