FPGA implementation using a CLAHE contrast enhancement technique in the termal equipment for real time processing

  • Received : 2016.11.09
  • Accepted : 2016.11.25
  • Published : 2016.11.30


In this paper, we propose an approach for real time computation of rayleigh CLAHE using a FPGA. The contrast enhancement technique should be applied in thermal equipment having a low contrast image. And thermal equipment must be processed in real time. The CLAHE is an improved algorithm based Histogram Equalization, but the HW design is complex. A value greater than a given threshold in CLAHE should be equally distributed on the other histogram bin, this process requires iterations for the distribution. But implementation of this processing in the FPGA is constrained, so this section was implemented on the assumption of the histogram distribution or modified the operation process or implemented separately in the CPU. In this paper, we designed a distinct redistribution operation in two stages. So FPGA was designed for easy, this was designed to be distributed evenly without the assumptions and constraints. In addition, we have designed a CLAHE with the rayleigh distribution to the FPGA. The simulation shows that the proposed method provides a better image quality in the thermal image.



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