FPGA-Based Real-Time Multi-Scale Infrared Target Detection on Sky Background

  • Received : 2016.10.25
  • Accepted : 2016.11.11
  • Published : 2016.11.30


In this paper, we propose multi-scale infrared target detection algorithm with varied filter size using integral image. Filter based target detection is widely used for small target detection, but it doesn't suit for large target detection depending on the filter size. When there are multi-scale targets on the sky background, detection filter with small filter size can not detect the whole shape of the large targe. In contrast, detection filter with large filter size doesn't suit for small target detection, but also it requires a large amount of processing time. The proposed algorithm integrates the filtering results of varied filter size for the detection of small and large targets. The proposed algorithm has good performance for both small and large target detection. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm requires a less processing time, since it use the integral image to make the mean images with different filter sizes for subtraction between the original image and the respective mean image. In addition, we propose the implementation of real-time embedded system using FPGA.



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