Analyses of Elementary School Students' Scientific Creativity in Cognitive Domain by Applying a Brain-Based Evolutionary Approach to Science Instruction

인지적 영역 중심의 뇌기반 진화적 접근법을 적용한 초등 과학 수업에서 학생들의 과학 창의성 분석

  • Received : 2016.11.22
  • Accepted : 2016.11.29
  • Published : 2016.11.30


A brain-based evolutionary approach developed by reflecting the brain functions and authentic science is consisted of Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive domains, and within each domain the processes of Diversifying, Evaluating, and Furthering are proceeded (ABC-DEF). Two core components of creativity of originality and usefulness are inherent in each step. So, this study analyzed scientific creativity with the originality and usefulness components in cognitive domain, which is composed of diversifying the meanings inherent in the results of observations or experiments (C-D), evaluating the meanings (C-E), and furthering (C-F) in learning of 'World of Plants' unit which includes two topics of 'Plants on Land' and 'Plants in Water and Special Environment'. A total of 20 fourth grade students at Y elementary school in Gyeonggi province participated in the study. The main results of this study are as follows. First, the scientific creativity in step C-D (Diversifying stage) was assessed according to the scientific creativity assessment formula. The scores of scientific creativity were quite different with topics and showed different pattern in the originality and usefulness components. Second, when the students compare and evaluate the values of each meaning (C-E stage), they weighed more on usefulness than originality, such as "because it is useful" or "because it solve many everyday problems". Third, the overall scores of scientific creativity in step C-F (Furthering stage), as compared with those of step C-D, were low and showed decrease in the average scores of originality from 9.8 to 7.5 points, whereas increase in the average scores of usefulness from 5.4 to 6.1 points. In conclusion, these results showed that, even though the levels were not so high, the students, as scientists, can exhibit the scientific creativity in the processes of diversifying, comparing and evaluating, and applying the meanings about the results obtained by observations or experiments. The specific and various strategies to help students express their potential scientific creativity more effectively need to be developed.



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