A Regional Certificate Revocation List Distribution Method based on the Local Vehicle Location Registration for Vehicular Communications

  • Received : 2015.12.10
  • Accepted : 2016.01.20
  • Published : 2016.01.30


A certificate revocation list(CRL) should be distributed quickly to all the vehicles in the network to protect them from malicious users and malfunctioning equipments as well as to increase the overall security and safety of vehicular networks. However, a major challenge is how to distribute CRLs efficiently. In this paper, we propose a novel Regional CRL distribution method based on the vehicle location registration locally to manage vehicle mobility. The method makes Regional CRLs based on the vehicles' location and distributes them, which can reduce CRL size and distribution time efficiently. According to the simulation results, the proposed method's signaling performance of vehicle's registration is enhanced from 22% to 37% compared to the existing Regional CRL distribution method. It's CRL distribution time is also decreased from 37% to 67% compared to the existing Full CRL distribution method.



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