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  • Guo, Wenbin (Department of Mathematics University of Science and Technology of China) ;
  • Yu, Haifeng (Department of Mathematics and Physics Hefei University) ;
  • Zhang, Li (Department of Mathematics University of Science and Technology of China)
  • 투고 : 2014.12.29
  • λ°œν–‰ : 2016.01.31


A chief factor H/K of G is called F-central in G provided $(H/K){\rtimes}(G/C_G(H/K)){\in}{\mathfrak{F}}$. A normal subgroup N of G is said to be ${\pi}{\mathfrak{F}}$-hypercentral in G if either N = 1 or $N{\neq}1$ and every chief factor of G below N of order divisible by at least one prime in ${\pi}$ is $\mathfrak{F}$-central in G. The symbol $Z_{{\pi}{\mathfrak{F}}}(G)$ denotes the ${\pi}{\mathfrak{F}}$-hypercentre of G, that is, the product of all the normal ${\pi}{\mathfrak{F}}$-hypercentral subgroups of G. We say that a subgroup H of G is ${\pi}{\mathfrak{F}}$-embedded in G if there exists a normal subgroup T of G such that HT is s-quasinormal in G and $(H{\cap}T)H_G/H_G{\leq}Z_{{\pi}{\mathfrak{F}}}(G/H_G)$, where $H_G$ is the maximal normal subgroup of G contained in H. In this paper, we use the ${\pi}{\mathfrak{F}}$-embedded subgroups to determine the structures of finite groups. In particular, we give some new characterizations of p-nilpotency and supersolvability of a group.


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