Joint Compensation of Transmitter and Receiver IQ Imbalance in OFDM Systems Based on Selective Coefficient Updating

  • Received : 2014.03.09
  • Accepted : 2014.10.02
  • Published : 2015.02.01


In this paper, a selective coefficient updating (SCU) approach at each branch of the per-tone equalization (PTEQ) structure has been applied for insufficient cyclic prefix (CP) length. Because of the high number of adaptive filters and their complex adaption process in the PTEQ structure, SCU has been proposed. Using this method leads to a reduction in the computational complexity, while the performance remains almost unchanged. Moreover, the use of set-membership filtering with variable step size is proposed for a sufficient CP case to increase convergence speed and decrease the average number of calculations. Simulation results show that despite the aforementioned algorithms having similar performance in comparison with conventional algorithms, they are able to reduce the number of calculations necessary. In addition, compensation of both the channel effect and the transmitter/receiver in-phase/quadrature-phase imbalances are achievable by these algorithms.



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