A Study on the Contemporary Architecture through M. Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenological 'Chiasme' - Focusing on the Architectural Revival Space -

메를로-퐁티의 현상학적'얽힘(Chiasme)'을 통하여 본 현대건축에 관한 연구 - 건축적 재생공간을 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2015.02.04
  • Accepted : 2015.11.23
  • Published : 2015.11.30


The approach of this study was to move away thinking and reasoning and visual-centered approach as the idea of contemporary architecture and to approach the person to experience the space and the construction of the relationship in terms of a variety of physical perception, through the analysis of Merleau Ponty's phenomenological chiasme, Away from the dichotomous framing, past and present, subject and object, entirety and part depending on the person to experience the space to find a possibility be interpreted in view of the experience. Therefore, base on the literature in the philosophy of Merleau Ponty's phenomenological ground. This is reflected in the architectural practice uses a revival space of contemporary architecture divided into ruins, mirrors, fragments by a framework of analysis and investigation of their properties and how to use that analysis and investigation of their properties and how to use that analysis.



Supported by : 홍익대학교


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