Protective Role of Selenium and High Dose Vitamin E against Cisplatin - Induced Nephrotoxicty in Rats

  • Aksoy, Asude (Department of Medical Oncology, Medical Faculty, Firat University) ;
  • Karaoglu, Aziz (Department of Medical Oncology, Medical Faculty, Dokuz Eylul University) ;
  • Akpolat, Nusret (Department of Pathology, Medical Faculty, Inonu University) ;
  • Naziroglu, Mustafa (Department of Biophysics, Medical Faculty, Suleyman Demirel University) ;
  • Ozturk, Turkan (Department of Medical Oncology, Medical Faculty, Karadeniz Teknik University) ;
  • Karagoz, Zuhal Karaca (Department of Internal Medicine-Endocrinology, Elazig Regional Education and Research Hospital)
  • 발행 : 2015.11.04


Background: Cisplatin (CDDP) is one of the most active cytotoxic agents in the treatment of cancer. We investigated the effect of selenium (Se) with high dose vitamin E (VE) administration to prevent CDDP-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Materials and Methods: In this study, 40 female Wistar rats were randomly divided into five equal groups. The first group, which served as the control, was administered physiological saline (2.5 cc/day, 5 days) intraperitoneally (IP), while group A was administered cisplatin (6 mg/kg BW/ single dose) plus physiological saline IP. Groups B, C, D received IP five doses of Se (1.5 mg/kg BW), and a high dose of VE (1000 mg/kg BW) (Se-VE) in combination before, simultaneously, and after CDDP, respectively. The rats were sacrificed five days after CDDP administration. Plasma malondialdehide (MDA), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), reduced glutathione (GSH), catalase, urea, creatinine levels, renal histopathological changes were measured. Results: The histopathological injury score, plasma levels of MDA, urea, creatinine were found to increase in group A compared to the control (p<0.05), while plasma levels of GSH-Px, GSH and catalase decreased (p<0.05). In contrast, plasma levels of MDA decreased (p<0.05) in groups B, C, D, which were treated with Se- VE, whereas levels of GSH-Px, GSH were found to increase only for group D (p<0.05). Plasma urea, creatinine levels improved in the treatment groups compared to group A (p<0.001). Histopathological changes caused by CDDP were also significantly improved after Se-VE treatment (p<0.05). Conclusions: Oxidative stress increases with CDDP-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Se-VE supplementation might thus play a role in the prevention of CDDP-induced nephrotoxicity in patients.



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