Association between Metabolic Syndrome and Participation in Clean-up Work at the Hebei Spirit Oil Spill

허베이 스피리트호 원유유출시 방제작업과 대사증후군의 연관성

  • Received : 2015.04.20
  • Accepted : 2015.10.14
  • Published : 2015.10.28


Objectives: We aimed to assess the risk of metabolic syndrome one year after the 2007 Hebei Spirit oil spill in Taean, Korea among people exposed to spilt oil during clean-up work. Methods: A total of 6,923 adults, including 3,019 males and 3,904 females, participated in the study. Health examinations and blood tests (total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, fasting blood sugar) were performed. A logistic regression model adjusting for age, gender, smoking history, drinking history, income, education, and marital status was used to estimate the risk of metabolic syndrome associated with the level of oil spill exposure. Results: The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 24.9% among males and 18% among females. Compared with people living within 20 km of the coastline, the risk of metabolic syndrome among people living within 0.8 km of the coastline was significantly higher (male OR=1.696, 95% CI=1.320-2.178, female OR=1.992, 95% CI=1.549-2.561), including a significant dose-response relationship for distance from early contaminate coastline (p<0.001). The risk of metabolic syndrome was higher according to the increase of duration of cleaning work. The risk of metabolic syndrome among people who participated in the clean-up work for more than 116 days, compared with people who participated in the cleaning work for or less 14 days, was significantly higher (male OR=1.845, 95% CI=1.448-2.353, female OR=1.752, CI=1.378-2.228), with a significant dose-response relationship for days of clean-up work (p<0.001). Conclusion: This study showed that there is a significant association between exposure to the oil spill during the clean-up work, distance from early contaminate coastline and the risk of metabolic syndrome in a doseresponse manner.



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