홍정하의 구일집의 저술에 관하여 - 홍정하 탄생 330주년을 기념하며 -

On the publication of Hong JeongHa's GuIlJib

  • 투고 : 2015.10.13
  • 심사 : 2015.10.27
  • 발행 : 2015.10.31


Year 2014 was very special to Korean mathematical society. Year 2014 was the Mathematical Year of Korea, and the International Congress of Mathematicians "ICM 2014" was held in Seoul, Korea. The year 2014 was also the 330th anniversary year of the birth of Joseon mathematician Hong JeongHa. He is one of the best, in fact the best, of Joseon mathematicians. So it is worth celebrating his birth. Joseon dynasty adopted a caste system, according to which Hong JeongHa was not in the higher class, but in the lower class of the Joseon society. In fact, he was a mathematician, a middle class member, called Jungin, of the society. We think over how Hong JeongHa was able to write his mathematical book GuIlJib in Joseon dynasty.



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  3. Hong JeongHa, GuIlJib, 1724 (Hong YoungSeok revised in 1868). 洪正夏, 九一集, 1724 (洪永錫校字, 1868).
  4. Hong Sung Sa, Hong Young Hee, Chosun Mathematics in the Early 18th Century, The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics 25(2) (2012), 1-9. 홍성사, 홍영희, 18世紀初朝鮮算學, 한국수학사학회지 25(2) (2012), 1-9.
  5. Hong Sung Sa, Hong Young Hee, Chang Hyewon, History of Fan Ji and Yi Ji, The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics 18(3) (2005), 39-54. 홍성사, 홍영희, 장혜원, 飜積과 益積의 歷史, 한국수학사학회지 18(3) (2005), 39-54.
  6. Hong Sung Sa, Hong Young Hee, Kim Chang Il, Hong Jung Ha's Number Theory, The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics 24(4) (2011), 1-6. 홍성사, 홍영희, 김창일, 洪正夏의 數論, 한국수학사학회지 24(4) (2011), 1-6.
  7. Hong Sung Sa, Hong Young Hee, Kim Young Wook, Liu Yi and Hong Jung Ha's Kai Fang Shu, The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics 24(1) (2011), 1-13. 홍성사, 홍영희 김영욱, 劉益과 洪正夏의 개방술, 한국수학사학회지 24(1) (2011), 1-13.
  8. Hong Sung Sa, Hong Young Hee, Kim Young Wook, Hong JeongHa's Tianyuanshu and Zhengcheng Kaifangfa, Journal for History of Mathematics 27(3) (2014), 155-164. 홍성사, 홍영희, 김영욱, 洪正夏의 天元術과 增乘開方法, Journal for History of Mathematics 27(3) (2014), 155-164.
  9. Hong Sung Sa, Hong Young Hee, Lee Seung On, Mathematical Structures of Joseon mathematician Hong JeongHa, Journal for History of Mathematics 27(1) (2014), 1-12. 홍성사, 홍영희, 이승온, 朝鮮算學者洪正夏의 數學的構造, Journal for History of Mathematics 27(1) (2014), 1-12.
  10. Hong Sung Sa, Kim Young Wook, A Brief History of Korean Mathematics, Seoul Intelligencer(2014), 6-10.
  11. Huh Gyeong Jin, Renaissance Men of Joseon, Jungin, Random House Korea, 2008. 허경진, 조선의 르네상스인 중인, 랜덤하우스, 2008.
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  13. Kang Myung Kwan, The History of Books and Knowledges in Joseon Dynasty, CheonNyunEui SangSang, 2014. 강명관, 조선시대 책과 지식의 역사, 천년의 상상, 2014.
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  15. Kim Chang Il, Hong Sung Sa, Hong Young Hee, Chosun Mathematician Hong Jung Ha's Genealogy, The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics 23(3) (2010), 1-20. 김창일, 홍성사, 홍영희, 朝鮮算學者洪正夏의 系譜, 한국수학사학회지 23(3) (2010), 1-20.
  16. Kim Yong Woon, HanKookKwaHakKiSulSaJaRyoDaiGye, Mathematics part, 1985. 김용운, 한국과학기술사자료대계, 수학편, 驪江출판사, 1985.
  17. Kim Young Wook, Tianyuanshu and Kaifangshu of Joseon, Korean Mathematics and Mathematics Education, Proceeding of the 6th Mathematics Education Seminar, Mathematics Education Center of Seoul National University, 2015, 3-27. 김영욱, 조선의 천원술과 개방술, 한국의 수학과 수학교육, 제6회 수학교육세미나 자료집, 서울대학교 수학교육센터, 2015, 3-27.
  18. Kim Young Wook, Hong Sung Sa, Hong Young Hee, Park Yul and his San Hak Won Bon, The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics 18(4) (2005), 1-16. 김영욱, 홍성사, 홍영희, 박율과 산학원본, 한국수학사학회지 18(4) (2005), 1-16.
  19. Koh Youngmee, Ree Sangwook, History of mathematics in Chosun dynasty, The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics 22(3) (2009), 61-78. 고영미, 이상욱, 朝鮮算學의 흐름, 한국수학사학회지 22(3) (2009), 61-78.
  20. Koh Youngmee, Ree Sangwook, 2014 Fall Conference of the Korean Society for History of Mathematics: Celebrating the 330th Year after the Birth of Hong JeongHa, Proceeding of the Korean Society for History of Mathematics, The Korean Society for History of Mathematics, 2014. 고영미, 이상욱, 홍정하 탄생 330주년 기념 2014년도 한국수학사학회 정기총회 및 가을 학술대회, Proceeding of the Korean Society for History of Mathematics 24(2) (2014).
  21. Kwon Oh Seok, New Translation of Mozi, HongShinMoonHwaSa, 1994. 권오석, 신역 묵자, 홍신문화사, 1994.
  22. Lee Chang Sook, Hong JeongHa, a mathematician of Joseon dynasty, Institute for the Translation of Korean Classics, 2014. 이창숙, 조선의 수학자 홍정하, 한국고전번역원, 2014.
  23. Lee Kyung Kyu, Map of Intellectuals of the 17th century Joseon dynasty, Pureun Yeoksa, 2009. 이경규, 17세기 조선의 지식인 지도, 푸른역사, 2009.
  24. The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, 조선왕조실록. (2015.3.1.)
  25. Encyclopedia of Korean Culture, 한국민족문화대백과사전. (2015.3.1.)

피인용 문헌

  1. On the pronunciation of Hanja based on Gujang Sansul Eumeui vol.29, pp.3, 2016,
  2. 동양수학사에서의 조선수학의 역할과 의미 vol.31, pp.4, 2018,