직무의 질적 수준이 건강수준과 직무만족도에 미치는 영향

The impact of job quality on health status and job satisfaction

  • Kim, Kishik (Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute, KOSHA) ;
  • Rhee, Kyung Yong (Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute, KOSHA) ;
  • Cho, Yunho (Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute, KOSHA)
  • 투고 : 2015.07.20
  • 심사 : 2015.09.15
  • 발행 : 2015.09.30


There are so many definition of good work but generally job quality can be useful to analyze the good work. Good work may include some factors about health or working environment. This paper was planned to investigate the level of job quality in Korean employees. Especially comparison of health status between low an high job quality can be analyzed. Korean Working Conditions Survey was used. The various job characteristics were categorized into 6 component of job quality using factor analysis. Statistically mean difference test and cross-tabulation analysis were used to identify the difference of health status and distribution of the level of job quality. The result has shown the different distribution of the level of job quality by the economic sectors and occupations statistically significant. The positive cases of all of six components of job quality was 2.1% of Korean employees and the negative cases of all six components of job quality was 1.5%. The subjective general health status was correlated with job quality but work-related stress was negatively correlated with the level of job quality. This study was heuristic one, more depth analysis will be needed to identify the relationship and causation of job quality and health status.



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