HSR Traffic Reduction Algorithms for Real-time Mission-critical Military Applications

  • 발행 : 2015.09.30


This paper investigates several existing techniques to reduce high-availability seamless redundancy (HSR) traffic. HSR is a redundancy protocol for Ethernet networks that provides duplicated frames for separate physical paths with zero recovery time. This feature makes it very useful for real-time and mission-critical applications, such as military applications and substation automation systems. However, the major drawback of HSR is that it generates too much unnecessary redundant traffic in HSR networks. This drawback degrades network performance and may cause congestion and delay. Several HSR traffic reduction techniques have been proposed to reduce the redundant traffic in HSR networks, resulting in the improvement of network performance. In this paper, we provide an overview of these HSR traffic reduction techniques in the literature. The operational principles, advantages, and disadvantages of these techniques are investigated and summarized. We also provide a traffic performance comparison of these HSR traffic reduction techniques.



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