A Study on the Innovation Ambidexterity's Antecedents and Consequences of the Company Residing in the Airport

공항 내 상주기업의 혁신 양면성의 선행요인 및 결과요인

  • Received : 2015.08.31
  • Accepted : 2015.09.26
  • Published : 2015.09.30


This paper tries to find out antecedents and consequences of innovation ambidexterity among companies residing in the airport. To define antecedents, this paper regards such four variables as relationship orientation, market orientation, dynamic capabilities and level of resources. Such variables are assumed to have an effect on innovative ambidexterity and the innovative ambidexterity is also presumed to have an impact on company's marketing consequences. According to hypothesis test, the more a company has relationship orientation, market orientation, dynamic capabilities and level of resources, the more effective an innovation ambidexterity becomes and the bigger marketing performance could be expected. Therefore companies ought to maintain both exploration and utilization perspectives of innovation ambidexterity following the four variables above to expand new customer market and increase revenues.



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