The Evaluations of Phoria and AC/A Ratio by Watching 3D TV at Near

3D TV 근거리 시청에 따른 사위도와 조절성폭주비 평가

  • Son, Jeong-Sik (Dept. of Optometry and Vision Science, Kyungwoon University) ;
  • Kim, Dong-Su (Dept. of Optometry and Vision Science, Kyungwoon University) ;
  • Kim, Jung-Ho (Dept. of Plasma Bio Display (Holography 3D Lab.), Kwangwoon University) ;
  • Kim, Jae-Do (Dept. of Optometry and Vision Science, Kyungwoon University) ;
  • Hamacher, Alaric (Kwangwoon Hanrimwon, Kwangwoon University) ;
  • Yu, Dong-Sik (Dept. of Optometry and Vision Science, Kyungwoon University)
  • Received : 2015.07.22
  • Accepted : 2015.08.22
  • Published : 2015.09.30


Purpose: This study was designed to evaluate the changes of phoria and calculated AC/A ratio, and their recovery time points by watching 3D television (3D TV). Methods: 50 subjects (male 30, female 20) of 20s to 40s ages who can watch 3D, were measured phoria using a Howell phoria card at 3 m for distance and 40 cm for near. The phoria was evaluated before watching 3D TV and every 10 minutes from starting of watching 3D TV for 30 minutes, and every 5 minutes after finishing of watching 3D TV for 30 minutes again. Results: For the distance phoria during and after watching 3D TV, it was increased to more exophoria $-0.98{\pm}1.37{\Delta}$ (prism diopters) after 10 minutes from starting of 3D TV watching (p=0.063) and increased to more exophoria $-1.00{\pm}1.28{\Delta}$ after 30 minutes (p=0.024), and started to decrease after finishing of watching 3D TV and recovered to the level of before 3D TV watching ($-0.78{\pm}1.11{\Delta}$) after 20 minutes (p=0.32) with comparing to phoria of before watching 3D TV ($-0.80{\pm}1.12{\Delta}$). For the near phoria, it was also increased to more exophoria $-5.71{\pm}4.45{\Delta}$ after 10 minutes from starting of watching 3D TV (p=0.000) and $-6.58{\pm}4.36{\Delta}$ after 30 minutes (p=0.000), and started to decrease after finishing of watching 3D TV and recovered to the level of before watching 3D TV after 20 minutes ($-4.34{\pm}3.67{\Delta}$) (p=0.32) with comparing to the phoria of before watching 3D TV ($-4.36{\pm}3.66{\Delta}$). AC/A ratio was decreased from $4.92{\pm}1.17{\Delta}/D$ for before 3D TV watching to $4.11{\pm}1.50{\Delta}/D$ for after 30 minutes from starting of watching 3D TV (p=0.000), and increased after the end of watching 3D TV and recovered to the level of before 3D TV watching ($4.93{\pm}1.18{\Delta}/D$) after 25 minutes (p=0.598). Conclusions: During watching 3D TV at near, it showed a tendency of convergence insufficiency by decrease of calculated AC/A ratio as result that exophoria at near was higher increased than exophoria at distance. However, the increased exophoria at both near and distance was recovered to the level of base line after 25 minutes from the end of watching 3D TV. Through this study, it seems to need rational proposals of advice for watching 3D TV.

목적: 3D TV의 근거리 시청에 따른 사위와 조절성폭주비의 변화와 회복 시점을 평가하고자 하였다. 방법: 3D TV 시청이 가능한 20~40대의 50명(남 30명, 여 20명)을 대상으로 하웰(Howell) 사위 카드를 사용하여 원거리(3 m)와 근거리(40 cm)에서 사위도를 측정하였다. 시청 거리는 1 m이며 시청 전, 시청 시간 30분 동안 10분 간격으로, 시청 이후 30분 동안 5분 간격으로 사위도를 측정하였다. 결과: 3D 영상 시청의 원거리 사위도 변화는 3D영상 시청 전 $-0.80{\pm}1.12{\Delta}$과 비교하여 10분, 30분 후 각각 $-0.98{\pm}1.37{\Delta}$(p=0.063), $-1.00{\pm}1.28{\Delta}$(p=0.024)로 외사위 경향으로 증가하였으며, 영상 시청 종료 후에는 외사위도가 감소하기 시작하여 20분 이후에는 $-0.78{\pm}1.11{\Delta}$로 시청 전 사위도 수준으로 회복되었다(p=0.322). 근거리 사위도 역시 영상 시청 전 $-4.36{\pm}3.66{\Delta}$과 비교하여 10분, 30분 후 각각 $-5.71{\pm}4.45{\Delta}$(p=0.000)과 $-6.58{\pm}4.63{\Delta}$(p=0.000)으로 외사위 방향으로 증가하였으며, 영상 시청 종료 후에는 외사위도가 감소하기 시작하여 25분 이후에는 $-4.34{\pm}3.67{\Delta}$로 시청 전 사위도 수준으로 회복되었다(p=0.322). 조절성폭주비는 영상 시청 전 $4.92{\pm}1.17{\Delta}/D$과 비교하여 영상시청 30분 후 $4.11{\pm}1.50{\Delta}/D$로 낮아졌으며(p=0.000), 영상 시청 종료 후에는 증가하기 시작하여 25분 후 $4.93{\pm}1.18{\Delta}/D$으로 시청 전으로 회복되었다(p=0.598). 결론: 근거리 3D TV 시청 시에 원거리보다 근거리의 외사위도가 더 크게 증가하였으며, 이로 인해 조절성폭주비는 낮아져 폭주부족의 경향을 보였다. 그러나 시청 후 25분 후에는 증가된 원거리와 근거리의 외사위도 모두 시청 전의 상태로 회복되었다. 따라서 3D TV 시청에 관한 합리적인 시청 권고안을 제시할 필요가 있는 것으로 본다.



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