A Visualization of the Solution of Truncated Series

절적(截積) 해법의 시각화

  • Received : 2015.07.16
  • Accepted : 2015.08.25
  • Published : 2015.08.31


We study the solution of truncated series of Lee Sang-hyeog with the aspect of visualization. Lee Sang-hyeog solved a problem of truncated series by 4 ways: Shen Kuo' series method, splitting method, difference sequence method, and Ban Chu Cha method. As the structure and solution of truncated series in tertiary number is already clarified with algebraic symbols in some previous research, we express and explain it by visual representation. The explanation and proof of algebraic symbols about truncated series is clear in mathematical aspects; however, it has a lot of difficulties in the aspects of understanding. In other words, it is more effective in the educational situations to provide algebraic symbols after the intuitive understanding of structure and solution of truncated series with visual representation.



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