Typology and Methods of Area Management in Railway Station Areas in Japan

일본의 철도역주변지구에 있어서 에리어매니지먼트의 유형과 수법

  • 송준환 (일본야마구치국립대학 대학원이공학연구과) ;
  • 이정형 (중앙대학교 건축학부)
  • Received : 2014.12.22
  • Accepted : 2015.08.16
  • Published : 2015.08.30


In Japan, various methods of area management based on Transit Oriented Development (TOD) have been issued to deal with the problem of shrinking population and aging society. This study is to identify the trends and characteristics of area management by focusing on 38 cases of local governance on railway station areas in Japan. Typology was created by using 29 indicators based on 4 criteria (spatial utilization, activity, organization, and area characteristic) and the cases were classified into 6 different types of area management:(A. Resource Utilization, B. Station Area Redevelopment, C. Community Development, D. Station Area Revitalization, E. Transportation Function Reinforcement, and F. Design Adjustment) which varies from the characteristics of land use, area potential, and starting point of activities. The comparative analysis for each type of area management specified the methods of organizational operation and space utilization. As a conclusion, the study emphasizes the importance of the role and function of private sectors in the area management and the necessity of legislative actions for enhance the involvement of local communities and organizations for the future application of area management in Korea.



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