제조업 공급망 온톨로지 기반 적응형 ERP 모듈 시스템 프레임워크

The Framework for Adaptive ERP Systems Using the Ontology Model of a Manufacturing Supply Chain

  • Oh, Yeonggwang (Department of Human and Systems Engineering, UNIST) ;
  • Han, Hweeyoung (Department of Human and Systems Engineering, UNIST) ;
  • Shin, Dongmin (Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Hangyang University) ;
  • Kim, Dongchul (ITstar Company) ;
  • Kim, Namhun (Department of Human and Systems Engineering, UNIST)
  • 투고 : 2014.11.12
  • 심사 : 2015.04.23
  • 발행 : 2015.08.15


Recently, an ERP (Enterprise resource Planning) system has been becoming an essential S/W tool for companies to manage their business processes and manufacturing resources. As the information exchange becomes more complex, not only corporate companies but also small- and mid- sized enterprises (SMEs) are required to build an ERP system. However, for small- and middle- sized companies, the adoption of ERP systems becomes challenging due to high cost and long installation time of the system. This paper presents a novel concept of an adaptive ERP system incorporating the ontology structure of the business supply chain information. The proposed ERP installation methodology is illustrated with an example of a door-trim manufacturing company in the automotive supply chain.



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