Spatial Factors on Satisfaction Level of Baby Stroller's and Parenting Stress

유모차 통행 환경에 대한 만족도 영향요인과 육아 스트레스

  • Received : 2014.09.04
  • Accepted : 2015.07.01
  • Published : 2015.07.30


Baby strollers are the weakest subject in the public road because they are the slowest and most vulnerable with shock, noise, light, toxic, etc. If we manage the urban environment for the baby strollers, general requirement for pedestrians or the handicapped groups will be met immediately. This study is to find out how the baby caring persons evaluate overall environment for baby strollers and what constituent elements matters most in the evaluation process. Among the four elements group of sidewalk quality, pedestrian networks, building accessibility, and public transportation convenience level, build accessibility is revealed unrelated to the satisfaction decision. According to the analysis, the stress level is related to the socially-isolated feeling and passenger car demand of baby care-givers. Therefore without pertinent spatial improvement strategy for baby strollers, there will arise not only street design issues but social and transportational issues also.



Supported by : 건축도시공간연구소


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