• Received : 2015.03.18
  • Published : 2015.06.30


An H-magic labeling in a H-decomposable graph G is a bijection $f:V(G){\cup}E(G){\rightarrow}\{1,2,{\cdots},p+q\}$ such that for every copy H in the decomposition, $\sum{_{{\upsilon}{\in}V(H)}}\;f(v)+\sum{_{e{\in}E(H)}}\;f(e)$ is constant. f is said to be H-V -super magic if f(V(G))={1,2,...,p}. In this paper, we prove that complete bipartite graphs $K_{n,n}$ are H-V -super magic decomposable where $$H{\sim_=}K_{1,n}$$ with $n{\geq}1$.



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