Batch and dynamic study of lactic acid extraction using emulsion liquid membrane

  • Berrama, Tarek (Laboratory of Industrials Processes Engineering Science, University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene) ;
  • Pareau, Dominique (Laboratory of Chemical and Process Engineering, Ecole Centrale de Paris) ;
  • Durand, Gerard (Laboratory of Chemical and Process Engineering, Ecole Centrale de Paris)
  • 투고 : 2014.08.02
  • 심사 : 2015.03.26
  • 발행 : 2015.07.25


The extraction of lactic acid by an emulsion liquid membrane (ELM), in batch and continuous mode, has been reported. On the basis of preliminary experiments, the optimum composition of the organic phase (membrane) is determined. When the SPan 80 is used as surfactant, the emulsion breakage exceeds 50%, but only 10% is obtained when the ECA4360 is used. The effects of surfactant, carrier and solute concentrations, phase volume ratio, and stirring speed on the extraction yield were examined and optimized. Surfactant, carrier and diluent used were ECA4360, trilaurylamine (TLA) and dodecane, respectively; 2-ethylhexane-1,3-diol (EHD) is used as a co-surfactant. Under optimal conditions, emulsion breaking is very low and the swelling is kept at its lowest level. Under the pH conditions of fermentation medium, the extraction yield is lower. A mixer-settler continuous system was used for testing these conditions. The residence time, the number of extraction stages and the stability of the emulsion were studied and optimized. The extraction yield obtained exceeds 90%.



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