진단이 늦어진 기관삽관 후 발생한 턱관절 탈구

Unrecognized Bilateral Dislocation of Temporomandibular Joint during Orotracheal Intubation

  • 정상봉 (국립중앙의료원 신경외과) ;
  • 전형배 (국립중앙의료원 신경외과) ;
  • 김태관 (국립중앙의료원 신경외과)
  • 투고 : 2015.02.04
  • 심사 : 2015.05.15
  • 발행 : 2015.06.30


Mandible dislocation during endotracheal intubation is an unusual occurrence but easy to be overlooked for its unfamiliarity. We recently had a case of iatrogenic bilateral dislocation of a temporomandibular joint during orotracheal intubation and emphasize the importance of an early awareness of this possible complication.



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