A Preliminary Study to the Validity of 'Attachment Q-set' as a Measuring Tool for 5 Years' Attachment

만 5세 애착측정도구로서의 '애착 Q-set' 예비 타당도 연구

  • Received : 2015.05.31
  • Accepted : 2015.06.17
  • Published : 2015.06.30


The purpose of this preliminary study was to investigate the validity of the 'Attachment Q-set' as a measuring tool for 5 years attachment stability. The subjects comprised 18 boys and 15 girls aged 5 in a daycare center in G city, in Kyongnam. The instruments used in this study were 'Attachment Q-set', ASCT, and IPPA-R. Based on experts' rating, the Q-set was modified, reducing it from 90 to 75 items, and used a Likert 5-points scale. ASCT scores as well as types were compared with the scores of the Q-set and IPPA-R. The attachment type was classified into either secure or insecure. The IPPA-R score of the secure infants was significantly higher than the insecure, and correlated with the ASCT score. However, there was no significant correlation between the Q-set score with the attachment types or the ASCT scores. The Q-set scores were partially correlated with the IPPA-R. This results were discussed in terms of the Q-set's invalidity for rating attachment levels of 5 years as well as the limitations imposed by the subjects' restrictive numbers.



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