Prompt neutron lifetime calculations for the NIRR-1 reactor

  • Ibrahim, Yakubu V. (Centre for Energy Research and Training, Ahmadu Bello University) ;
  • Adeleye, Micheal O. (Bingham University) ;
  • Njinga, Raymond L. (Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University) ;
  • Odoi, Henry C. (School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences, University of Ghana) ;
  • Jonah, Sunday A. (Centre for Energy Research and Training, Ahmadu Bello University)
  • 투고 : 2015.03.04
  • 심사 : 2015.06.30
  • 발행 : 2015.06.25


Prompt neutron lifetime calculations have been performed for the NIRR-1 reactor HEU and LEU cores using the 1/v insertion and the Adjoint flux weighing methods. Results of calculations obtained for the HEU and LEU cores are respectively $57.3{\pm}0.8$ and $47.5{\pm}0.7$ for the 1/v insertion and $56.9{\pm}0.3$ and $46.3{\pm}0.5$ for the Adjoint flux. There is a good agreement seen between the two methods for both cores. The prompt neutron lifetime was observed to be shorter in the LEU than for the HEU as expected. However, the Adjoint flux weighing method seemed to be the easiest method in calculating the prompt neutron lifetime for NIRR-1.



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