Super-junction trench MOSFET (SJ TMOSFET) devices are well known for lower specific on-resistance and high breakdown voltage (BV). For a conventional power MOSFET (metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor) such as trench double-diffused MOSFET (TDMOSFET), there is a tradeoff relationship between specific on-state resistance and breakdown voltage. In order to overcome the tradeoff relationship, a SJ TMOSFET structure is suggested, but sensing the temperature distribution of TMOSFET is very important in the application since heat is generated in the junction area affecting TMOSFET. In this paper, analyzing the temperature characteristics for different number bonding for SJ TMOSFET with an embedded temperature sensor is carried out after designing the diode temperature sensor at the surface of SJ TMOSFET for the class of 100 V and 100 A for a BLDC motor.