Background: It is thought that drug use of parents is related to that of young children. The status of drug among young children's parents and a correlation of with parents and their children on drug use was surveyed by questionnaire. Method: The questionnaire is composed of 34 items, and the data was collected by 108 parents of young children from March to April of 2012. Results: On the basis of the analysis results, the following conclusions were drawn. About half of parents thought the minimum use of drug was better for health, and 44% parents thought drug is essential for cure. When parents had queries on prescription, they mostly consult with doctors and pharmacists. Most parents had a household medicine. A fever reducer was the most common household medicine (92.5%). They pick the household medicine by consulting with pharmacist. Parents usually checked the expiration date of drug before they use and they dumped the drugs when the expiration date was due (82.4%). Over half of young children and their parents took a dietary supplements. They got an information about a dietary supplement by associates (30.5%) and internet (19.4%). Most parents tried to follow the directions as prescribed. However, more than half of the parents stopped taking the drug when the symptoms disappeared. Conclusion: Drug use of parents and that of young children had a very strong positive correlation, suggesting that correct drug use of parents have an impact on their young children's drug use.