This paper proposes a trans-media branding for the trans-media-based cultural content marketing strategy. Trans-media brand analytical framework is proposed with previous studies. And mobile messenger Character 'Line Friends' is analyzed for the text. Trans-media branding is accessible through a multi-platform in the technological environment. Consumer culture, as well as participate include business models to generate revenue also as brand equity. While the character elements that make up the story from the perspective of cultural content storytelling act as an independent cultural goods. Character is segmented elements. Therefore, trans- media branding of the characters are more meaningful. 'Line Friends' trans-media branding can be summarized as follows: First, it takes advantage of the characteristics of the existing Information-Technology-based mobile. Second, it puts consistently found the content of the attributes of Mobile Messenger 'communication' and 'friendship'. And third, while the content of each platform is constantly linked with other platforms, the brand is positioned inside the window effect.