감귤박 및 감태추출물의 사료첨가제 급여에 따른 둥근전복 (Haliotis discus discus)의 성장 및 생리적 변화

Effects of dietary supplementation with citrus pomace and Ecklonia cava residue on the physiological changes and growth of disk abalone, Haliotis discus discus

  • 좌민석 (제주대학교 해양과학대학 수산생명의학전공) ;
  • 여인규 (제주대학교 해양과학대학 수산생명의학전공)
  • Jwa, Min-Seok (Department of Marine life Science, Jeju National University) ;
  • Yeo, In-Kyu (Department of Marine life Science, Jeju National University)
  • 투고 : 2015.02.27
  • 심사 : 2015.04.09
  • 발행 : 2015.04.30


Here, we report the physiological changes and growth in disk abalone, Haliotis discus discus, in relation to dietary supplementation with citrus pomace (CP) 6%, Ecklonia cava residue (ECR) 6%, and CP + ECR (3% + 3%). The composition and nutrient content, survival rate and growth rate were measured 0, 4, 8 and 12 weeks after feeding the supplemented diets of CP and/or ECR. Moreover, the experiment of low salinity stress (25psu) for environmental resistance was examined for a period of 48 hours after feeding the supplemented diets for 12 weeks. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), lysozymes, respiratory burst, and phenoloxidase were measured. The moisture content and crude protein condition of the body were increased with the addition of ECR only (P<0.05). We observed higher levels of survival in the experimental group compared with the control group. Moreover, the growth disk abalone that were fed a diet containing ECR was higher compared with the control group. However, the growth of abalone fed a diet containing CP was similar to the control group. With a rearing condition of low salinity stress, survival rate and lysozyme activity were increased in the ECR group compared with the control group. Dietary ECR reduced the level of CAT activity to approximately 30% of the control, however the level of CAT activity in the ECR group was similar to the start level of the previous stress. These results suggest that dietary ECR gives rise to an enhanced immunity in disk abalone, as a result of the decrease in CAT and lysozyme activity in particular. Accordingly, the growth and survival rate were increased by feeding an ECR-supplemented diet in the rearing of disk abalone, Haliotis discus discus.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Substitution effect of Undaria pinnatifida with citrus (Citrus unshiu, Marcovitch) peel by‐product in feed on the growth, body composition and air exposure stressor of juvenile abalone (Haliotis vol.26, pp.2, 2015,
  2. Substitution effect of Saccharina japonica with beet leaf by-product in feed on the growth and chemical composition of the soft body of juvenile abalone (Haliotis discus hannai Ino 1952) subjected to vol.22, pp.None, 2015,