A Study on the Relationship between Urban Change and Reorganization of Administrative System of the Gaegyeong, the Capital of the Goryeo Dynasty

개경의 도시 변화와 지배구조 개편의 관계에 관한 검토

  • Received : 2014.01.03
  • Accepted : 2015.02.17
  • Published : 2015.03.30


This paper is to clarify on the relationship between urban change and reorganization of administrative system of the Gaegyeong, the capital of the Goryeo Dynasty, based on a close study of historical records. Through all ages, administrative system tend to vary changes according to the need of social situation. The administrative system on the Gaegyeong and the surrounding region was changed the unitary or dualistic governance, that reason was a reflection of the social situation as well as urban changes. Through this, Feng-shui, Buddhism, Chinese capita system and economic conditions could be confirmed that the factor of the urban change of the Gaegyeong. The result of this research will become a basis for understanding the characteristics of the capital of the Goryeo Dynasty.



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