셀러브리티 패션에서 표현된 게토 스타일 연구

A Study of Ghetto Style expressed in Celebrity Fashion

  • 박송애 (용인송담대학교 스타일리스트과)
  • 투고 : 2015.06.12
  • 심사 : 2015.07.29
  • 발행 : 2015.09.30


Ghetto was originated from the concept of "Jewish Camp", the segregated Jewish residential area, and recently it refers to the black neighborhoods of the poor living conditions or slum. A region to form a unique culture distinguished from the adjacent area is also called as ghetto. The culture born in that region is called "ghetto culture", and from the cultural aspect it can mean a type of haven that allows the freedom and deviation of their own. In this study, the generating background and the characteristics of ghetto style especially to adolescents were examined, and celebrities' unique fashion styles that lead the public in the fashion diffusion process were analyzed. Through this, Ghetto culture was understood and the effects of the mass culture phenomena on fashion, symbolization, and an aesthetic value were examined. With this, it aims to help understand the effect of special local culture like "ghetto" on modern fashion and expand the design area. As a result of this study, the characteristics of ghetto style were as followings; 1. It is based on hiphop style; 2. The name brands are exposed conspicuously; 3. Caught eyes by unusually excessive decorations; 4. It expresses confidence and toughness through fashion beyond the resistance to the target who suppresses and humiliates themselves; 5. Ghetto culture is rapidly spread through media. To conclude, ghetto style is an expression of hope of the poor that they can gain wealth through impressing the public and drawing empathy just by their talent. Furthermore, ghetto style is an important cultural trend that has appeared as their wannabe and a powerful display method to express success.



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