TV 오락프로그램의 메이크업에 나타난 불이미(不二美)

The Non-dual Beauty of TV Makeup Shown in TV Entertainment Programs

  • 김민신 (징안대학교 뷰티케어과)
  • 투고 : 2015.05.21
  • 심사 : 2015.08.21
  • 발행 : 2015.09.30


The purpose of this study was to research into TV makeup types focusing on Korean aesthetics with recognizing importance of Korean thought amid what the global interest pays attention to South Korea thanks to the recent influence of Hanryu(Korean wave). The following are summary and result of this study. The non-dual beauty is an integrative concept of including ambivalence on the categorical difference in sex, culture and class by transcending the extreme binary division. As this is what reflected the open thought of pursuing balance of yin and yang in Korean people, it is being shown in the form of transcendence and far-outness through TV entertainment programs. Transcendence coexisted with maintaining relative relationship beyond separation in sex. Far-outness was pursuing free sensitivity immanent in the non-separated thought of transcending the past, the present and future. This trend is being indicated similarly to a change in its paradigm from separation to convergence these days. Accordingly, even makeup was showing similarity to the recent trend with being paid attention to the makeup of focusing on identity in sex and to the makeup of being coexisted the past, the present and future with the aspect of being mixed space time. The Korean aesthetics has been feeble in its influence compared to the Oriental image of focusing on China and Japan in the meantime. Hence, this study can be said to have significance in a sense of being the first consideration that compared TV makeup types of focusing on Korean aesthetics and suggested its developmental direction.



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