This research was based on using status and factors associated in public health centers survey in 703 local residents from September 1 to 25, 2015. Data were analyzed with chi-square test, t-test, one way ANOVA, and Stepwise Multiple Regression analysis using SPSS WIN 21.0 program and significance level was set at p<0.05. It was investigated that Incheon city health centers' utilization of residents were 38.8%, the annual average of utilization was 3.92 times. Health centers were mainly used by themselves (25.3%) or recommendation of the people around them (17.8%). The reason why they don't use was no need (27.0%) and don't know well (9.4%) or long distance (7.8%). The average of awareness about the total health programs was 41.2%, the average of utilization rate was 8.1%, both higher rate of awareness and utilization about health programs were vaccination (86.6%, 36.9%), and health examinations (67.2%, 18.7%). The average of satisfaction about health programs was 3.88 out of 5, sealant (4.26 points) and rationing fluoride solution (4.07 points) indicated a high level of satisfaction. The most common factor which represents the impact on public health use and use frequency were the time it takes to move, also gender, age and form of home ownership were major factor in common. Based on this, we have to seek concrete measures of national health programs which conducted to improve the health of local residents can be implemented successfully.
본 연구는 효율적인 보건사업 기획과 이용방안을 모색하고자 인천광역시 지역주민들을 대상으로 보건소에서 시행하고 있는 각 사업에 대한 인식과 이용 및 만족도를 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 인천광역시 지역주민들의 보건소 이용률은 38.8%였고, 이들의 연평균 이용횟수는 3.92회로 조사되었다. 보건소는 스스로(25.3%) 또는 주위사람의 권유(17.8%)에 의해 주로 이용하고 있었다. 이용하지 않는 이유는 필요성이 없어서(27.0%)와 잘 몰라서(9.4%) 또는 거리가 멀기 때문(7.8%)이었다. 보건사업 전체에 대한 평균 인지율은 41.2%, 평균 이용률은 8.1%로 인지율과 이용률 모두 높은 보건사업은 예방접종(86.6%, 36.9%)과 건강검진(67.2%, 18.7%)이었다. 보건사업 평균 만족도는 5점 만점에 3.88점이었고, 치면열구전색(4.26점)과 불소용액배급(4.07점)이 높은 만족도를 나타냈다. 보건소 이용과 이용횟수에 공통적으로 가장 영향력을 나타내는 요인은 이동시간이었고, 성별, 연령, 주택소유형태도 공통적 주요요인으로 확인되었다. 이를 바탕으로 지역주민의 건강증진을 위해 국가적으로 실시하는 보건사업이 성공적으로 실시될 수 있도록 구체적인 방안을 모색해야 할 것이다.