Landing Gear 2 Degree of Freedom Modeling and Optimization

착륙장치 2 자유도 동적 모델링 및 최적설계

  • Received : 2014.06.26
  • Accepted : 2014.10.21
  • Published : 2015.03.31


Because of kinematic complexities, nonlinear behavior, etc, the performance of oleo-pneumatic landing gear is predicted by qualified commercial softwares. While commercial softwares predict more exactly, it takes a long time to construct or modify a model. At initial design stage, design parameters can be determined quickly and exactly enough with simple 2 degree of freedom model of mass, spring and damping. 2 degree of freedom model can be easily applied to optimization and reliability analysis which takes repetitive computation. In this paper, oleo-pneumatic landing gear is modeled as a nonlinear 2 degree of freedom model. The analysis are compared with landing gear drop test. To determine design parameter, optimization problem is solved with genetic algorithm and 2 degree of freedom model.



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