The number of Healthy Family Support Centers has increased and the services for enhancement of family strength have extended during the past ten years since the Framework Act on Healthy Families was enacted. It is time to pay attention to the empowerment for Healthy Family Specialist because their capability is directly linked to improve the quality of services, which means the satisfaction of family services and the quality of family policy. In this context, this study investigate organizational experience of Healthy Family Specialists and suggest the empowerment plan to enhance their capability. We conducted in-depth interviews for 9 Healthy Family Specialists who is currently working at Healthy Family Support Centers as a manager status during June 2014. We analyzed organizational experiences through job commitment and job satisfaction and empowerment plans through their strength and weakness. Our findings revealed that job commitment and job satisfaction of Healthy Family Specialist are relatively low due to a poor working condition and a low brand awareness. Also, the capability of Healthy Family Specialists is an important factor to determine their job commitment and job satisfaction, and it can impact on the long service. These results suggest that the payroll system, increment of salary, career recognition, employee benefit, systematic operation, and motivation are needed to improve their job satisfaction. There are various ways to improve professional capability of Healthy Family Specialists besides education program. This study contributes to make the plan of empowerment for Healthy Family Specialists and it also contributes to improve the service quality of family policy.