트위스트 운동 시 성별에 따른 심박수와 에너지 소모량의 비교

The Comparison of Heart Rate and Energy Expenditure between Male and Female During Twist Exercise

  • 투고 : 2014.12.30
  • 심사 : 2015.01.27
  • 발행 : 2015.02.28


The present study, to examine the effect of the exercise for weight control, compares the difference of the heart rate and energy expenditure by sex during Twist exercise. Twenty eight adults (male 14, female 14) were carried out Twist exercise for 7 minutes and 14 minutes. During performing the exercise program, to perform HR and related variables were measured for 7 minutes and 14 minutes. Through a twist exercise treatment and the following results were obtained. 1. Females had slightly higher, without statistical significance, number of heart beat, minimum heart rate, maximum heart rate, and average heart rate than male had for both 7 minutes and 14 minutes of Twist exercise. 2. In the case of energy consumption, significant differences did not appear until 7 minutes to perform Twist exercise. On the other hand, the energy consumption for 14 minutes of performance was significantly higher in male than in female (p<.05). However, energy expenditure for the period per minute per unit weight (kcal/min/kg) showed no difference. 3. If more than 30 minutes duration were preformed the Twist exercise, males were expected to consume significantly higher than females (p<.05). To consume calories for the 10,000 step walk of, it would be required about 76 minutes for Twist exercise time without distinction of sex. Through the above findings, twist exercise is a form of aerobic exercise for obesity prevention and weight control, as well as it might be beneficial to practice and maintain the health and physical fitness with offering a variety of exercise opportunities in the public.



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