대학생의 자아존중감과 스트레스에 미치는 영향 요인

Factors affecting the Self-esteem and Stress of University Students

  • 투고 : 2015.10.27
  • 심사 : 2015.12.31
  • 발행 : 2015.12.31


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate self esteem and stress of students at their universities for the development of a program related to school life and guidance. Methods: The survey were carried out in 5 universities located in Gyounggi Do, Gyungbuk Do, Busan city and Daegu city from 2014. October 1. to November 30. Out of a total of 500 Questionnaires answered by 500 students, 489 Questionnaires, were analyzed with SPSS version 12.0. Results: The total mean of the self esteem point of college student's school living was $3.41{\pm}0.44$ points. The total mean of the general stress point of college students was $2.67{\pm}0.52$ points. Affecting factors of the self-esteem of subjects(multiple regression analysis) were important things of school living(p<0.05), human and friendship(p<0.05), protector's job(p<0.001), home economic states(p<0.001), and friendship(p<0.001). Based on multiple regression analysis, affecting factors of the stress of subjects were important things of school living(p<0.05), human and friendship(p<0.05), religion(p<0.001), protector's job(p<0.001), friendship(p<0.001), and arbeit job(p<0.05). Conclusions: The results of this study help to provide a basis for development of a strategy to improve the self-esteem and solve problems of stress for university students. Also relevant programs should be developed and provided by related authorities and universities.



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