Townscape in a High-rise: Imageability and Accessibility of Vertical Malls in Hong Kong

  • 발행 : 2015.06.30


The increasing integration of public space and consumerism in Hong Kong has yielded new urban forms. The emergent vertical malls in Hong Kong and other East Asian metropolises have overturned the existing vertical order of the city. This vertical order is determined by the level of accessibility, but is being challenged by widely adopted vertical circulation technology. Inspired by Fredric Jameson's and Rem Koolhaas' reflections on the cultural significance of vertical transportation, this article examines the conflict between market logic and urban design requirements in the vertical interior spaces. "Departmentalization," as the current programming formula for vertical malls, can be further optimized by critically applying urban design doctrines such as Kevin Lynch's five elements of city image. It concludes with a statement that the knowledge base of vertical urbanism should be open to a set of new terminology informed by a new technological environment.



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