The development of cultural products and textile designs with the patterns of Jeju Choga

제주 초가(草家) 형태를 직물 문양으로 활용한 텍스타일 디자인 및 지역패션문화상품 개발

  • Yoon, Seong-Hee (Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, Jeju National University) ;
  • Hong, Heesook (Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, Jeju National University)
  • Received : 2014.11.18
  • Accepted : 2015.02.03
  • Published : 2015.02.28


This study is to develop cultural products based on 'Jeju Choga', which means the traditional houses in Jeju. For the product development, old literature review, field surveys, and consumer surveys were employed. Through old literatures and field surveys, the unique and visual characteristics of Jeju Choga were confirmed: A thatched roof with lattice pattern, a side wall and fences with porous stones, a 'Jungnang' serving as a gate, and a 'Pungchai' preventing strong sola radiation and 'Ollai' meaning a narrow street in front of the Choga. As a results of consumer survey conducted before the development of products, consumers highly recognized and associated Jeju Choga as Jeju representative image. The six basic patterns of Jeju Choga were drawn and eight textile designs were created through the repeated arrangements of the basic patterns. Using the created textile designs and digital printing method, the eleven new fabrics with the patterns of Jeju Choga were developed. The various kinds of ten bags and tow wallets made with the new fabrics. As a result of consumer evaluation for the twelve products made in this study, the scores of preference and purchase intention were above the average work for the most products of them. In particular, the preference and purchase intention of the square shoulder bag, the big-size shopper bag, and the small-size cross bag were very positively evaluated. Therefore, it is confirmed that Jeju Choga could be very useful as a motif for the development of cultural products focusing on Jeju tourism souvenir market.



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