A Case Report of Patient with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus treated with Traditional Korean Medicine

한방치료를 통한 제 2형 당뇨병 증례 1례

  • Cho, Junghyo (Department of Internal Immune Center, Daejeon Korean Medicine Hospital, Daejeon University)
  • 조정효 (대전대학교 대전한방병원 내과면역 센터)
  • Received : 2015.02.10
  • Accepted : 2015.02.13
  • Published : 2015.02.20


This is a clinical report on a patient with Diabetes Mellitus treated with Traditional Korean Medicine. We applied herbal medication and western medication depending of symptoms of the patient. We observed the change of serum glucose (FBS/PP2hrs) daily and HbA1c. During the treatment and observation, result of serum glucose (FBS/PP2hrs) and HbA1c was well controlled and insulin administration was decreased. Above the results, Traditional Korean Medicine was effective to control type 2 diabetes mellitus.

2010년 2월 3일~ 2014년 12월 3일까지 본원에서 입원 및 외래치료한 기존 치료에 불응성 2형 당뇨병 환자에 한약, 침치료를 가하여 증상개선과 함께 혈당 강하 효과를 보여 주어 당뇨병에서의 한방치료의 가능성을 확인하였다.



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