A polynomial chaos method to the analysis of the dynamic behavior of spur gear system

  • Guerine, A. (Department of Mechanical Engineering, INSA of Rouen) ;
  • El Hami, A. (Department of Mechanical Engineering, INSA of Rouen) ;
  • Fakhfakh, T. (Department of Mechanical Engineering, National School of Engineers of Sfax) ;
  • Haddar, M. (Department of Mechanical Engineering, National School of Engineers of Sfax)
  • Received : 2014.08.09
  • Accepted : 2015.01.12
  • Published : 2015.02.25


In this paper, we propose a new method for taking into account uncertainties based on the projection on polynomial chaos. The new approach is used to determine the dynamic response of a spur gear system with uncertainty associated to gear system parameters and this uncertainty must be considered in the analysis of the dynamic behavior of this system. The simulation results are obtained by the polynomial chaos approach for dynamic analysis under uncertainty. The proposed method is an efficient probabilistic tool for uncertainty propagation. It was found to be an interesting alternative to the parametric studies. The polynomial chaos results are compared with Monte Carlo simulations.



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