Modelling of chloride diffusion in saturated concrete

  • Tsao, Wen-Hu (Department of Civil Engineering, China University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Huang, Nai-Ming (Department of Civil Engineering, China University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Liang, Ming-Te (Department of Harbor and River Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University)
  • 투고 : 2013.11.26
  • 심사 : 2014.11.03
  • 발행 : 2015.01.25


The process of chloride ingress in saturated concrete was presented by a previous study that used a mathematical model for the same as that concrete. This model is to be studied chloride ion diffusion which is considered as a chemical phenomenon and is to be represented the chloride diffusion process to be a nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE). In this paper, this nonlinear PDE is solved by the Kirchhoff transformation to render into a linear PDE. This linear PDE associated with initial and boundary conditions is also solved by the Laplace transformation to obtain an analytical solution. To verify the serviceability and reliability of this proposed method, the practical application should be supplied. The input parameters were cited from the previous study. The free chloride concentration profiles obtained by the analytical solution of mathematical model for saturated concretes after 24 and 120 hrs of exposure were compared with the previous study. The predicted results obtained from proposed method have a tendency with experimental results obtained by the previous study and trend toward numerical results approximated by finite difference technique.



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